Design, Build and Setup WordPress

Affordable, Premium and Arabic support for hosting your WordPress website starting from 150 EGP / Month

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Platword. New Edge of the Digital WordPress Experience!


Finding unique, creative and cost effective ways of boosting your customer acquisition by finding the hooks that really fly. Our solutions include both the familiar and leftfield.


Optimize Customer Activation
This is the first time that people experience your “Aha!” moment and they benefit from the value proposition that you promised them.


Improve Customer Retention
Acquisition and activation mean nothing if people don’t stick to your product or service. This is one of the most vital factors if you want to achieve sustainable growth.


Generate More Revenue, People who pay for using your product or service are those that put the real fuel to your company.

Why  Managed WordPress?  

Managed WordPress hosting is a concierge service where all technical aspects of running WordPress is managed by the host. This includes security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backups, website uptime, and scalability.

To impact new opportunities with prospective customers Who need sparkle your products and services … Increase Customer Acquisition Acquiring new customers means understanding what makes your customers increase. A successful company should have a continuous flow with prospects and be careful for not wasting money in the wrong channels.

  • Increase your traffic and generate leads
  • Optimize your marketing campaigns
  • Get traction for new product launches
  • Enhance your SEO and Content Marketing
  • Make your followers actual customers
  • Discover new customer acquisition process.
  • Leads
  • Your WordPress

Staying AHEAD of The Game

Finding unique, creative and cost-effective ways of boosting your customer acquisition, We offer a blend of consultancy and agency services that enable us to bring a 360-degree view of your brand to drive numbers off the charts and deliver success.The most vital factors if you want to achieve sustainable digital marketing growth.

Digital Ads Management

We at Sictor build and design unique, creative and cost effective online ads campaign to acquiring new leads for your business and boosting your customer acquisition by our new operation for campaign management. Our solutions include both the familiar and leftfield.

Content Marketing Solutions

Extend in content marketing such as blogging, technical writing, sales presentation and promotional context, you should to hire a content rock-stars whose have experience, knowledge, writing skills and content hackers
We’re having know-how reaching out your goals.

Digital Sales Management

Sictor Digital Agency seeks to optimize your business sales goals by provide your company a new techy ways to enhance the sales process performance and insert online and digital channels to daily routine sales calls or meetings or engage with clients and manage new digital operation for sales team,

Digital Marketing Operation

Sictor will help and support your business to reduce high salaries, turnovers, cost of manage daily tasks for digital marketing, We are here to manage your digital marketing department operations from creating annual plan to manage daily problems and make big results at the end of the year.

Digital Marketing Transformation

We design a digital marketing transformation roadmap, which is an approach to defining and managing a digital marketing transformation effort. It provides a structured way to move through the many programs needed to realize success.

Social Media Management

We provide your business great presence in most social media channels to stay in rank
We increase exposure to potential customers for your business through manage social media accounts, pages, groups and events which includes daily posts, designs visual content.

WordPress Management Services

Gain an advantage for Your Business By WordPress

WordPress Customize  & Management

We work with you to manage, customize, and deliver meaningful results quickly. By combining our technical, digital marketing and creative expertise with our dedicated support to bring you simply outstanding WordPress services from design to setup and manage your website effectively.

Learn More About Us

We provide the digital solutions for SMEs and Large companies, We have an experience for more years as a team in creative digital marketing, data-driven, and digital strategy..

Digital Sales Management

Leverage your sales close rate by our Digital Sales Solution

Sales Campaigns Based-on-Technology

Both of internal Sictor digital marketing team & digital sales experts will generate and execute leading sales campaigns cross digital channels based on customer experience(CX) to impact a real results fast, measured, and focused.

Triggered Online Sales

While getting started to make your business staying ahead, you will need to make
different things for customers like a knowledge base, user manuals, valuable topics and sales enablement materials to meet clients and prospective requirements.

Become More Competitive.

Struggling To Generate Qualified Leads?
